Stunning, Sustainable, and Seriously Swiss: Our Easiest Alpine Hiking Adventure

Exploring the Alps is every hiker’s dream: the lofty peaks of Titlis, Mönch, and Eiger are among the most dramatically beautiful on Earth.

Picture yourself strolling on a gentle alpine hiking trail through forests of spruce, stone pine, and larch—catching spectacular views of the magnificent peak of Mount Rigi. On the Country Walkers Switzerland: Zürich, Lucerne & the Alps Guided Tour, you might find yourself pausing to marvel at the thunder of a crystalline waterfall or relaxing in a fresh wildflower meadow where mellow cows graze amongst the cheerful tinkling of Swiss cow bells. Cresting a ridge, you see the tidy timbers of a wooden chalet—window boxes spilling over with bright red geraniums. Here, in this high mountain lodge, you’ll find a delicious lunch of hearty alpine fare. Perhaps you’ll try a rösti prepared with grated potatoes, or älplermagronen—a gratin made with potatoes and melted raclette cheese. On the sunny terrace, hikers from all over the world gather to sing songs and spin tales of their mountain adventures. Welcome to this hiker’s home on the mountain!

It Takes Years of Experience to Find Easy Hiking Trails in the Swiss Alps

Exploring the Alps is every hiker’s dream: the lofty peaks of Titlis, Mönch, and Eiger are among the most dramatically beautiful on Earth. And while it’s easy to expect a Swiss alpine hiking tour to be a strenuous adventure, Country Walkers veteran Trip Designer Tricia Dowhan has carefully designed a tour of Switzerland that’s within reach of hikers of all levels. “Switzerland is a hiker’s paradise,” says Tricia. “Trails are incredibly well-marked, well-trodden, and well-maintained. These mountain trails are among the most robust hiking networks in the world.” With gondola rides taking you to the mountain’s peak, the hardest terrain is already far behind you.

Veteran Country Walkers leader, and certified alpine guide, Claire Thioliere has been hiking the Swiss Alps for over 30 years, and together, she and Tricia discovered the most accessible trails with the best views. “It’s important to remember that this is a mountain adventure, even if the terrain is easy and the trails are well-defined,” says Claire. “It’s not technical at all—the hikes are not too strenuous. Our hiking style allows plenty of time to enjoy ourselves—and we love to stop and describe all the landscape’s special features along the way. Still, it’s important to wear proper hiking boots and carry walking poles.”

It takes three years of dedicated study to become a certified guide in the Alps—and Claire and her colleagues are experts. They know the best hidden nooks to pause for stunning views, unique geological features—and also for the best chance to spot local wildlife. “We’ll see marmots,” says Claire. “They’re such playful little animals. We’ll see mountain goats as well—and ibex, which are quite majestic with their big horns. You’ll also admire wonderful birds of prey—including eagles, falcons, and kestrels. This is a trip where binoculars can really come in handy!”

Yodelay-Hee-Hoo! Exploring a Wealth of Alpine Traditions

As your guides lead you along the well-maintained hiking trails, you’ll be amazed by the beauty and tranquility of these majestic peaks. Among the mountain valleys, you’ll stop and experience the traditional art of alpine cheese-making at local dairies along the famous Cheese Trail. “The farmers bring the cows up to higher pastures for the summer months,” explains Tricia. “If we’re lucky, we may even see the ceremony when they bring them back down at the end of the season. They adorn the cows with a crown of flowers—it’s a really beautiful, iconic Swiss tradition. The herdsmen carefully choose the cows who’ve given the most milk for the honor of wearing the season’s celebratory garland.” A visit to local farms sheds light upon the famous tradition of Swiss mountain dairies…and perhaps even the chance to sample some wildflower honey as well.

Along the trail, you’ll also meet some local Country Walkers friends who share with you a special—and uniquely alpine—talent. “Peter and Ursula are incredible yodelers,” explains Tricia. “And Ursula also plays the accordion. Originally, yodeling started out as a way for people to communicate across valleys that, at that time, were only reachable on foot.” Joined by your talented and vocal new friends, you’ll have the opportunity to hear traditional mountain yodeling in the exact environment in which it was invented—on a trail in the Swiss Alps. Enjoy listening to these champion yodelers—and perhaps even try your hand at this ancient alpine art.

In the mountain enclave of Grindelwald, your home for three nights is a five-star chalet dedicated to Swiss alpine traditions. “The Romantik Hotel Schweizerhof is a luxury accommodation in classic Swiss style,” says Tricia. “The staff dress in traditional alpine style—with the women wearing dirndls. It’s such an immersive mountain experience—relaxing in the garden as you watch the mountains light up with the rosy alpenglow at sunset. The hotel has a wonderful spa, complete with an indoor pool-with-a-view, and a chance to experience another alpine tradition—the sauna.” As you marvel at the spectacular mountain views from the hotel’s garden, you’ll experience yet another iconic Swiss tradition, the alphorn. Beneath the Alp’s imposing peaks, these professional musicians play the long horns that were once used by Swiss shepherds to call their flocks home across steep alpine valleys. The length of the alphorn determines its musical key—and thus alphorns of varied lengths are often played. Most alphorns are between three and four meters long, with the longest ever documented at a whopping 26.46 meters in length.

The Most Beautiful Way to Travel—Swisstainably

The nation of Switzerland is serious about preserving the staggering beauty of its natural landscape—they’ve even coined the official term “Swisstainable” to describe sustainable travel in Switzerland. One of the most Swisstainable aspects of this gorgeous alpine nation is their extensive network of local trains, cog rails, and gondolas that snake through stunning mountain passes. “As a rule, the Swiss are very organized,” says Claire “The trains are punctual, and everything is clean, safe, and well connected.” To get into the Swisstainable spirit, this easy alpine hiking tour of Switzerland uses only public transportation—from the moment you reach your first hotel to the moment you depart your last hotel. Not only does this give you an opportunity to mingle with the locals as they embrace their nation’s preferred mode of environmentally sustainable transportation—it also gives you the best view of the legendary peaks that make the Swiss Alps so remarkable. “Riding the local trains and gondolas provides an incredible window into this alpine world,” says Tricia. “You’re literally seeing the beauty of the Alps unfold as you ride. Everyone in Switzerland travels this way. As a nation, the Swiss are incredibly dedicated to preserving the environment, and it shows.” As you journey from Zürich to Mount Rigi, you’ll watch the diverse landscape unfold from its crystalline lakes to majestic mountains. “Switzerland is really 23 cantons, which all have their own characteristics,” explains Claire. “It’s fascinating to watch the landscape change as we travel from Zürich, to Lucerne, then on to the summit of Mount Titlis and the Bernese Oberland. It really hits all the highlights!”

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