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France: Normandy & Brittany

As you step onto the causeway, the Benedictine monastery of Mont St. Michel rises like a pyramid from the sand flats ahead, its steeple piercing the midday sky. So continues the line-up of iconic sights on this Normandy and Brittany walking tour along France’s spectacular north coast. One day, you’re wandering Étretat’s seaside bluffs, taking in the spectacular rock arches straight out of a Monet painting. The next, your guide is bringing World War II history alive on the sands of Omaha Beach. Along the way, decadent picnics featuring local cheeses, pastries, and cider, as well as meals in out-of-the-way restaurants, showcase the breadth of Norman and Breton cuisine. A walk across tidal flats leads to hidden nesting grounds for egrets, ducks, and marine seagulls. Best of all: you’re exploring with warm and welcoming locals who call this exceptional region home.


  • Walk along historic shores in 2024 when Normandy commemorates two important dates with cultural events: the official 80th anniversary of D-day landings and the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Impressionist movement.
  • Marvel at the timeless artistry of the Bayeux Tapestry—a 230-foot medieval embroidery illustrating the Norman conquest of England in 1066.
  • Stay in the historical departure ports of French explorers Samuel de Champlain and Jacques Cartier.
  • Explore the island monastery of Mont St. Michel, a UNESCO World Heritage site set in the postcard-perfect landscape of Northern France.
  • Savor France’s delectable cuisine in stunning coastal settings, trying fresh oysters, locally caught seafood, and creamy handmade cheeses paired with delightful local wines.

Positive Impact

Country Walkers is proud to support Wine to Water with a donation on behalf of each guest on this tour. Wine to Water is an international organization providing access to clean drinking water and emergency supplies in water-challenged regions. We believe in giving back to the places that have enriched the lives of our guests. We’re committed to identifying and supporting sustainable initiatives in a variety of areas including education, world health, economic equality, safe drinking water, the environment, and the preservation of cultural traditions.

On all Guided Adventures you can count on...
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Expert local guides to introduce you to the best of your destination
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Off-the-beaten-path places you’d never find on your own
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Delicious multi-course meals—a majority are included
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A maximum of 18 fun-loving fellow travelers to share the journey
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Gracious accommodations that are a clean, comfortable home away from home
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Experts to handle all the details
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Air Packages include plane tickets, airport shuttles, and pre- and post-tour accommodations


Fri, Sep 6 to Sun, Sep 15 - 2024

Show Itinerary:

Your vacation is about to begin! Spend your first night aloft and arrive ready for an unforgettable trip.

A Country Walkers representative will greet you at the airport to start your first day in Paris off right. A complimentary car service will whisk you to your centrally located hotel. From here, you are perfectly positioned to explore this charming city at your leisure.

3.5 miles, easy to moderate

After enjoying an included breakfast at your hotel your Country Walkers representative meets you at the Hotel l’Echiquier Opera Paris at 8:00 a.m. in the lobby.

Depart Paris and begin an approximately two-hour drive to Normandy. Your first stop in this region is Notre Dame de Grâce Chapel. Adorned with message plaques from sailors and their families, it is a pilgrimage site for local fishermen. Strech your legs as you walk towards a family-owned estate for lunch. Your meal includes tastes of the locally produced apple juice, cider and Calvados liqueur for which the region is famed for.

After fueling up, depart on foot and enter the Bois du Breuil, a nature reserve. A forest trail alternates with views of the Seine Estuary and country lanes, bordered by Normandy’s famous hedgerows. You descend into Honfleur, taking in broad views that extend over the Seine River as it flows out to sea and the modern Normandy Bridge, linking Honfleur with the port of Le Havre. Famous 19th-century painters, such as Claude Monet and Gustave Courbet, depicted many of these same views.

Passing Honfleur’s slate-shingled houses, you reach your enchanting hotel in the heart of town. Reconvene for dinner in the hotel’s restaurant, where the food reflects the fertile countryside and nearby coast. Monks in Normandy began developing the area’s famous cheeses as early as the 11th century, and dinners may conclude with a rich Pont l’Évêque, Livarot, or the best-known cheese, Camembert.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

3 miles, easy to moderate

Awaken in the comfort of your historic hotel and enjoy a breakfast of fresh fruit and homemade baked goods with jam. You drive through the beautiful countryside of Pays de Caux, to the start of the day’s walk. Your trail gently descends through an oak forest and into an open landscape of pasture and gorse along the dramatic coastline of “La Manche”—the English Channel. You soon have your first views of the towering cliffs and rock formations of Étretat, a favorite subject of the Impressionist painter Claude Monet.

You walk along the trail that takes you on the top of the cliffs and toward the famous Manneporte rock arch, the Porte d’Aval, and the Aiguille or “needle.” The 19th-century French author Guy de Maupassant spent a good part of his childhood in the small fishing and resort town of Étretat.

Upon returning to your hotel, you have time to relax, and perhaps even indulge in a spa treatment or hammam (Turkish bath) on site before dinner on your own in Honfleur. There are plenty of restaurants to choose from, ranging from gourmet meals to a local crêperie.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Lounges-sur-Mer Battery; .5 miles, easy. Omaha Beach to American Cemetery; 1.5 miles, easy

Today’s itinerary calls for minimal walking, as the day’s main focus is visiting the D-day beaches and the American Military Cemetery. You first drive to a view over Arromanches, a resort town with a sandy beach but no natural harbor, which became one of the world’s busiest ports in June 1944. It was here that Winston Churchill’s idea of using prefabricated floating ports was implemented for the Battle of Normandy, until the existing ports could be liberated from the Germans. Travel to the German battery at Lounges-sur-Mer, where your meet a local historian who begins a discussion of the D-day landings.

After lunch in a nearby restaurant, you walk along the sands of Omaha Beach to the American Military Cemetery, where 9,387 American soldiers are buried. The Star of David or a white cross marks each of the graves—this is the first American World War II cemetery on European soil. Your guide provides context about the battle, explaining why the casualties along Omaha Beach were far worse than at other locations along the D-day beaches. Here, Allied soldiers ran inland toward the German positions on the nearby ridge.

After a moving visit to the American Military Cemetery, you travel to the remote Cotentin Peninsula, which traces its name to the 4th-century Roman Emperor Constantius Chlorus. It is an enchanting area with unspoiled stretches of rocky coastline, sheltering tranquil bays and quaint villages. You are warmly welcomed at your charming seaside hotel in the town of Barneville-Carteret, two coastal resort towns separated by a river estuary. Nearby, the British island of Jersey is just off the coast.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

5 miles, easy to moderate

This morning, you wake to the sound of seabirds and the smell of the salty air. The hotel’s harborside location permits a stroll on your own before breakfast. Today, a short drive brings you to La Hague (literally “high cape”), the Cotentin Peninsula’s westernmost point. This area of Normandy is a picturesque place with granite cliffs, small coves, and green fields. Setting off on a bracing walk along a coastal trail lined with wildflowers, you are graced with views of the British isle of Alderney, the closest Channel Island to the French coast. The small harbor of Goury is near some of the strongest water currents in Europe. Built in 1834, the Phare de Goury, Goury’s lighthouse, signals the local current called the Raz Blanchard. After a picnic lunch of cured meats, cheeses, breads, and pastries, you continue walking to the Nez de Jobourg, a rocky promontory. This evening, you dine on your own in the charming port town of Barneville-Carteret.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

3 miles, easy to moderate and 2 miles, easy with moderate sections

Today’s itinerary takes you from Normandy into Brittany, starting with a drive toward the Baie du Mont St. Michel, known for its extreme tides. The trip provides a panoramic view of the bay and the pyramid-shaped island monastery of Mont St. Michel. Tombelaine Island, a protected sanctuary for nesting shell ducks, marine and brown seagulls, and white egrets, lies opposite the almost fantastical Mont St. Michel. After a scenic walk along the coast, you continue to the monastery—one of the most impressive constructions of the Middle Ages, a quintessential image of northern France, and a UNESCO World Heritage site. You cross the causeway to the small island just a half-mile off the coast, where your guide leads you through the cobbled streets, winding your way to the top of the mount at the door of the Benedictine Abbey, dating from the 8th century. The majority of the buildings here were built, however, in the 11th century, and the church’s main façade dates from the 12th century. You learn about the lives of medieval monks and village life, with an emphasis on the island’s extraordinarily well-preserved architecture. Please note that the tour of the abbey includes many steps, if you prefer to skip the guided tour, you are welcome to explore the narrow back streets and charming shops of the village on your own.

Afterward, you travel to your home for the next two nights in Saint Malo, Brittany, a medieval fortified city that was once the home of French “corsair” privateers, as well as Jacques Cartier, considered the first European explorer of Canada. Today, it is a popular seaside resort, with a long sandy beach and promenade leading to the granite city walls. Your oceanfront hotel is perfectly located to stroll along the promenade or to Saint Malo’s old town. After checking in, your guides will provide recommendations for dinner.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

3.5 miles, easy to moderate

Today’s walk takes place on the westernmost tip of the Bay du Mont St. Michel along the Pointe du Grouin, a windswept headland with expansive views north to the Chausey Islands and west along the coast toward Saint Malo. Fifteen miles to the east, Mont St. Michel appears as a speck on the horizon. A German pillbox coastal fortification now serves as an ornithological observatory looking over a bird sanctuary island. The coastal path winds into a string of tiny coves, some with little ports tucked into them.

Later this afternoon, stroll the ramparts of Saint Malo, past the mast-filled port, perhaps pausing to visit La Maison de Corsaire, or The Great Aquarium, which houses more than 600 species. Or relax by the hotel pool or book a spa treatment.

Tonight, celebrate the week’s adventures at a sumptuous farewell dinner in your hotel’s fine dining restaurant.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Dinner

Departing Brittany for Paris, you stop en route in the charming town of Bayeux, a settlement since the 1st century BCE, which has remained an important town in the Normandy region and was virtually untouched during the Battle of Normandy. Here, you visit the fabulous Bayeux Tapestry, which was probably commissioned in the 1070s and depicts the 1066 Norman conquest of England. The tapestry shows, scene by scene, the story of William the Conqueror and Harold, Earl of Wessex, the men who led the Norman and Saxon armies in 1066. William’s defeat of Harold at the Battle of Hastings ensured the success of the Norman invasion of England. Despite its name, this priceless treasure is not a true tapestry, but rather a 230-foot-long embroidered cloth.

After lunch in town, you continue on to Paris. Dinner is on your own.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

After an included breakfast this morning, complimentary transportation is provided to Charles de Gaulle International Airport based on your departure time.

Included Meals: Breakfast

Sun, Sep 8 to Sat, Sep 14 - 2024

Show Itinerary:

3.5 miles, easy to moderate

Your Country Walkers representative meets you at the Hotel l’Echiquier Opera Paris at 8:00 a.m. in the lobby.

Depart Paris and begin an approximately two-hour drive to Normandy. Your first stop in this region is Notre Dame de Grâce Chapel. Adorned with message plaques from sailors and their families, it is a pilgrimage site for local fishermen. Strech your legs as you walk towards a family-owned estate for lunch. Your meal includes tastes of the locally produced apple juice, cider and Calvados liqueur for which the region is famed for.

After fueling up, depart on foot and enter the Bois du Breuil, a nature reserve. A forest trail alternates with views of the Seine Estuary and country lanes, bordered by Normandy’s famous hedgerows. You descend into Honfleur, taking in broad views that extend over the Seine River as it flows out to sea and the modern Normandy Bridge, linking Honfleur with the port of Le Havre. Famous 19th-century painters, such as Claude Monet and Gustave Courbet, depicted many of these same views.

Passing Honfleur’s slate-shingled houses, you reach your enchanting hotel in the heart of town. Reconvene for dinner in the hotel’s restaurant, where the food reflects the fertile countryside and nearby coast. Monks in Normandy began developing the area’s famous cheeses as early as the 11th century, and dinners may conclude with a rich Pont l’Évêque, Livarot, or the best-known cheese, Camembert.

Included Meals: Lunch, Dinner

3 miles, easy to moderate

Awaken in the comfort of your historic hotel and enjoy a breakfast of fresh fruit and homemade baked goods with jam. You drive through the beautiful countryside of Pays de Caux, to the start of the day’s walk. Your trail gently descends through an oak forest and into an open landscape of pasture and gorse along the dramatic coastline of “La Manche”—the English Channel. You soon have your first views of the towering cliffs and rock formations of Étretat, a favorite subject of the Impressionist painter Claude Monet.

You walk along the trail that takes you on the top of the cliffs and toward the famous Manneporte rock arch, the Porte d’Aval, and the Aiguille or “needle.” The 19th-century French author Guy de Maupassant spent a good part of his childhood in the small fishing and resort town of Étretat.

Upon returning to your hotel, you have time to relax, and perhaps even indulge in a spa treatment or hammam (Turkish bath) on site before dinner on your own in Honfleur. There are plenty of restaurants to choose from, ranging from gourmet meals to a local crêperie.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Lounges-sur-Mer Battery; .5 miles, easy. Omaha Beach to American Cemetery; 1.5 miles, easy

Today’s itinerary calls for minimal walking, as the day’s main focus is visiting the D-day beaches and the American Military Cemetery. You first drive to a view over Arromanches, a resort town with a sandy beach but no natural harbor, which became one of the world’s busiest ports in June 1944. It was here that Winston Churchill’s idea of using prefabricated floating ports was implemented for the Battle of Normandy, until the existing ports could be liberated from the Germans. Travel to the German battery at Lounges-sur-Mer, where your meet a local historian who begins a discussion of the D-day landings.

After lunch in a nearby restaurant, you walk along the sands of Omaha Beach to the American Military Cemetery, where 9,387 American soldiers are buried. The Star of David or a white cross marks each of the graves—this is the first American World War II cemetery on European soil. Your guide provides context about the battle, explaining why the casualties along Omaha Beach were far worse than at other locations along the D-day beaches. Here, Allied soldiers ran inland toward the German positions on the nearby ridge.

After a moving visit to the American Military Cemetery, you travel to the remote Cotentin Peninsula, which traces its name to the 4th-century Roman Emperor Constantius Chlorus. It is an enchanting area with unspoiled stretches of rocky coastline, sheltering tranquil bays and quaint villages. You are warmly welcomed at your charming seaside hotel in the town of Barneville-Carteret, two coastal resort towns separated by a river estuary. Nearby, the British island of Jersey is just off the coast.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

5 miles, easy to moderate

This morning, you wake to the sound of seabirds and the smell of the salty air. The hotel’s harborside location permits a stroll on your own before breakfast. Today, a short drive brings you to La Hague (literally “high cape”), the Cotentin Peninsula’s westernmost point. This area of Normandy is a picturesque place with granite cliffs, small coves, and green fields. Setting off on a bracing walk along a coastal trail lined with wildflowers, you are graced with views of the British isle of Alderney, the closest Channel Island to the French coast. The small harbor of Goury is near some of the strongest water currents in Europe. Built in 1834, the Phare de Goury, Goury’s lighthouse, signals the local current called the Raz Blanchard. After a picnic lunch of cured meats, cheeses, breads, and pastries, you continue walking to the Nez de Jobourg, a rocky promontory. This evening, you dine on your own in the charming port town of Barneville-Carteret.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

3 miles, easy to moderate and 2 miles, easy with moderate sections

Today’s itinerary takes you from Normandy into Brittany, starting with a drive toward the Baie du Mont St. Michel, known for its extreme tides. The trip provides a panoramic view of the bay and the pyramid-shaped island monastery of Mont St. Michel. Tombelaine Island, a protected sanctuary for nesting shell ducks, marine and brown seagulls, and white egrets, lies opposite the almost fantastical Mont St. Michel. After a scenic walk along the coast, you continue to the monastery—one of the most impressive constructions of the Middle Ages, a quintessential image of northern France, and a UNESCO World Heritage site. You cross the causeway to the small island just a half-mile off the coast, where your guide leads you through the cobbled streets, winding your way to the top of the mount at the door of the Benedictine Abbey, dating from the 8th century. The majority of the buildings here were built, however, in the 11th century, and the church’s main façade dates from the 12th century. You learn about the lives of medieval monks and village life, with an emphasis on the island’s extraordinarily well-preserved architecture. Please note that the tour of the abbey includes many steps, if you prefer to skip the guided tour, you are welcome to explore the narrow back streets and charming shops of the village on your own.

Afterward, you travel to your home for the next two nights in Saint Malo, Brittany, a medieval fortified city that was once the home of French “corsair” privateers, as well as Jacques Cartier, considered the first European explorer of Canada. Today, it is a popular seaside resort, with a long sandy beach and promenade leading to the granite city walls. Your oceanfront hotel is perfectly located to stroll along the promenade or to Saint Malo’s old town. After checking in, your guides will provide recommendations for dinner.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

3.5 miles, easy to moderate

Today’s walk takes place on the westernmost tip of the Bay du Mont St. Michel along the Pointe du Grouin, a windswept headland with expansive views north to the Chausey Islands and west along the coast toward Saint Malo. Fifteen miles to the east, Mont St. Michel appears as a speck on the horizon. A German pillbox coastal fortification now serves as an ornithological observatory looking over a bird sanctuary island. The coastal path winds into a string of tiny coves, some with little ports tucked into them.

Later this afternoon, stroll the ramparts of Saint Malo, past the mast-filled port, perhaps pausing to visit La Maison de Corsaire, or The Great Aquarium, which houses more than 600 species. Or relax by the hotel pool or book a spa treatment.

Tonight, celebrate the week’s adventures at a sumptuous farewell dinner in your hotel’s fine dining restaurant.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Dinner

Departing Brittany for Paris, you stop en route in the charming town of Bayeux, a settlement since the 1st century BC, which has remained an important town in the Normandy region and was virtually untouched during the Battle of Normandy. Here, you visit the fabulous Bayeux Tapestry, which was probably commissioned in the 1070s and depicts the 1066 Norman conquest of England. The tapestry shows, scene by scene, the story of William the Conqueror and Harold, Earl of Wessex, the men who led the Norman and Saxon armies in 1066. William’s defeat of Harold at the Battle of Hastings ensured the success of the Norman invasion of England. Despite its name, this priceless treasure is not a true tapestry, but rather a 230-foot-long embroidered cloth.

After lunch in town, you continue to the tour’s conclusion in Paris.

Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch


Linger Longer with a Tour Extension

Eiffel Tower next to buildings in Paris
Airplane Air Package Only

2024 Post-Trip Extension - Paris

  • Two nights at the Hôtel L’Échiquier Opéra Paris
  • Airport car service for departure
  • Daily breakfast
  • City information

2 Nights From $545
per person, double occupancy

Single Supplement: From $495

After a delicious included breakfast at your hotel, you are free to explore on your own, using our included city information packet to guide your discoveries.

Included Meals: Breakfast

After a delicious included breakfast at your hotel, you are free to explore on your own, using our included city information packet to guide your discoveries.

Included Meals: Breakfast

After your included breakfast this morning, complimentary transportation is provided to Charles de Gaulle International Airport based on your departure time.

Included Meals: Breakfast

Hotel l’Echiquier Opera Paris

Set in a building that served as a hunting lodge for King Henry IV of France during the 16th century, the Hotel l’Echiquier Opera Paris has been reimagined as a modern retreat with an opulent décor inspired by the Roaring Twenties. The premier attractions of the Right Bank are within easy reach, yet the hotel itself offers a surprisingly tranquil respite amid this lively section of Paris. Enjoy attentive service and delicious cuisine at the Bar and Restaurant Le 38. Take advantage of the equipment in the fitness center, open 24/7 for your convenience. And relax in a cozy room designed to reflect the elegance of the early 20th century.
No Air Conditioning
No Air Conditioning

What's Included

Air Package
Tour Only
Exceptional boutique accommodations Check Check
15 on-tour meals: 6 breakfasts, 6 lunches, 3 dinners Check Check
Local guides with you throughout tour Check Check
Local wine and/or beer with dinner Check Check
Entrance fees and special events as noted in the itinerary Check Check
Telescopic walking sticks provided on tour Check Check
Roundtrip airfare Check
Two extra nights in Paris Check
Airport car service for arrival and departure Check
Pre- and post-tour breakfasts Check
Business-class upgrades available Check
Morocco: Marrakesh, Foothills of the High Atlas & Essaouira

Dates & Prices

Departing Airport :

Select Year :

Air Package

10 days, includes roundtrip international airfare, airport shuttle, and additional hotel night with included breakfast.

Single Supplement: From $1,295.00

Limited Spaces Left

Fri, Sep 6 - Sun, Sep 15, 2024

Air Included


Per person, double occupancy

Reserve Online
Call Required

Fri, Sep 20 - Sun, Sep 29, 2024

Air Included


Per person, double occupancy

Request a Call
Call Required

Fri, Oct 4 - Sun, Oct 13, 2024

Air Included


Per person, double occupancy

Request a Call

Select Year :

Tour Only

7 Days. Includes walking vacation only.

Single Supplement: From $845.00

Limited Spaces Left

Sun, Sep 8 - Sat, Sep 14, 2024


Per person, double occupancy

Reserve Online
Call Required

Sun, Sep 22 - Sat, Sep 28, 2024


Per person, double occupancy

Request a Call
Call Required

Sun, Oct 6 - Sat, Oct 12, 2024


Per person, double occupancy

Request a Call

For more information, call: 800-245-3868

28 out of 35 (80%)
4.9 out of 5 stars.
Read More Reviews

The locations visited, the hikes taken, and the guides lived up to all of my expectations. The only downsides I might mention were (1) the large number of meals that we had to arrange on our own and (2) the poor maintenance of one of the buses. Regarding the latter, from day one it made strange noises that should have been addressed. After a few days of increasing noise the left outward wheel departed company, followed by the bus swerving, which gave the impression that the bus was nearly out of control. This could have ended very badly both for…

L Guyer, Tucson, AZ

France: Normandy & Brittany

Our trip was outstanding in all respects. Our guides, Sophie & Veronique were helpful, friendly, professional, a lot of fun, and added to our enjoyment of the trip. Their timing each day allowed the maximum enjoyment of each day. Our daily guides, particularly "William" in Normandy were also outstanding. The accommodations, particularly in Honfluer, Barneville-Carteret, and Saint-Malo were quaint but had all the modern conveniences. The provided meals were excellent. We highly recommend this trip and hope that you enjoy it as much as we did.

October 2022, Naperville Illinois

France: Normandy & Brittany

Expert Local Guides

Experience your destination like an insider with people who call it home.

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